Earl Haig Crest

The Earl Haig Fabulous 50's Group

Last update:

News Letters

April 5, 2010

Our 34th Annual Reunion Dinner
will be held on Tuesday May 11th 2010 at the Donalda Club

12 Bushbury Drive, Don Mills, - Hwys. 401 & 404 (Don Valley Expressway)

Just south off York Mills Road, at the 1st street east of Don Mills Road (stop light)

Music 6.00 – 7.00 – Cocktails -  Dinner 7.30

Hi to all
Here’s hoping everyone is well and you had a wonderful Easter.
It’s that time again. Only 5 weeks or so, to our annual reunion dinner
We are again holding it at The Donalda Club, as we discovered last year, a great venue for us.
The cost this year is $ 65.00 per person. Three choices for dinner, steak, chicken or salmon,
taxes, tip & a glass of wine included with your dinner. The food is great. There will be a cash bar.
As always, many laughs, hugs, smiles, with cocktails and our great band playing great music,
starting around 6.00 p.m with dinner planned for 7.30. This letter will be both emailed & mailed.

For those who didn’t attend last year, and don’t have email, I have included a copy of the letter I
emailed with a review of last year’s dinner (also on our website). There is not a lot to say or much news.
Strangely enough, even though we all enjoy the dinners and friendships, most of us don’t see
one another between dinners. I think the fact that we get such a great turnout each year says it all.
It is always something to look forward to and enjoy each & every year. I do get emails from
many schoolmates, mostly jokes but not much news. As I always say "you have to be there".

A few of us old boys did get together for a Christmas lunch. (a picture is on the website).
So I encourage everyone, especially those who have never or only occasionally attended,
to make every effort to join us for a guaranteed great evening.

Each year is different. The audience participation last year was really interesting & very funny.
We will post a list of those planning to attend on our website: Look who's coming...
It is amazing to see that over the years, there have been over 15,000 visits to view the ‘PHOTOS’
Page on our website. Russ added a feature this year, to see who does visit the site & many do.
But not many signed in. Most interesting to see that there were so many, who don’t join us,
don’t communicate with us, don’t leave their email address but still keep an interest. A very good reason
to keep our website. I urge them to join us, or at least give us their address or email.

Out of the blue, I received a cheque from Bruce Brown, (class of ’55). He lives in London, Ontario.
He doesn’t have email, but appreciates the letter & wanted to contribute towards maintaining our Alumni group.
I mention this, as many others have also helped in the past. It confirms how important the memories
of our EHCI years are to so many of us. I don’t know how long we will be able to keep it going?
No one knows for sure, hopefully for many years to come. We do know we aren’t getting any younger.

There is only one letter mailed out each year. One never knows if it is reaching everyone,
as addresses, emails, computer problems, change or get lost, (our biggest problem).
Also, most don’t respond when they are not attending. So please pass this info along to friends
and remember you can always check our website for news.

I’m happy to tell you, so far teachers Nick Purdue, Jim Smythe and Jack Foote, as well as out-of-towners
Al Connolly, Bob Hancock, Heather ‘Magwood’, John Wood, Robin Miller, Stan Myers are planning to attend.
Please RSVP when you decide and also tell me your choice for entree. Say yes, even if you cannot commit
for sure, as long as you cancel by May 4, it won’t create a problem. That is the date when we have to give
the number of dinners we guarantee to the Donalda Club.
Also remember you can join us for cocktails, even if you can’t stay for dinner.
To speed up the signing in process, please bring cash, or you can write a cheque to the ‘Donalda Club. No Credit cards.

If you have any questions, just call me

Carl Dell’Agnese

- office  416-757-4550 
- fax  416-751-8967
- Email  -  
- Home address – 40 Camwood Cres.  North York,  M3A 3L4