Earl Haig Crest

The Earl Haig Fabulous 50's Group


Last update:


Current Pics

Vintage Pics

2019 Reunion

2018 Reunion

2016 Reunion

2015 Reunion

2014 Reunion

2013 Reunion

2012 Reunion

2011 Reunion

2010 Reunion

2009 Reunion

2008 Reunion

2007 Reunion

2006 Reunion

2005 Reunion

2004 Reunion

75th Gala

2003 Reunion

2002 Reunion

2001 Reunion

2000 Rreunion


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We have a huge collection of photos online (in the "Cloud")
(courtesy of Snapfish)

1. To get to this collection, click here: https://www.snapfish.com/loginto

2. Sign in with Snapfish using
EMAIL = alumni@earlhaig50s.com and PASSWORD = Rockon2019
Snapfish SignIn (114K)

click on MY PHOTOS in blue menu bar (2nd from top left)


For recent Alumni Photos and stories, hop on over to this location: POTPOURRI

Al Connolly - click to zoom in Allan Connolly Gallery
Al Connolly - click to zoom in Bob Meadows Wood Carving

Heather Magwood video

Powered by Snapfish Reunion Photos online (courtesy of Snapfish.com)

Photos of Old Willowdale, etc. (courtesy of Willowdale Grafitti)
DELPHIANS - Click on a cover for a blast from our past...

Delphian '50-'51 Delphian '51-'52 Delphian '52-'53 Delphian '53-'54
Delphian '54-'55 Delphian '55-'56 Delphian '56-'57 Delphian '57-'58

Our very own "Fonzie"
Click to enlarge Johnny Dowson 1954 in front of the Willowdale Restaurant
Click to enlarge John Dowson & Al Hepburn
in Al's Model "A".jpg

Our WHEELS - Click Here --> Car Pix from the 50s
The Cars We Drove

electronic camera Current Pics from our people

Bill Myers induction into Vaughan’s Hall of Fame in 2012...
Click to zoom in

    Bill "Bubbles" Myers Article

    Toronto Sun Monday Nov.5,2012
    - "Small Guy, Big Honour"

Morningstar Award to Bob Pemberton's son, Rob.
Bob Pemberton: Here is our son receiving the award from Peter Mansbridge ! Something special and somewhere along the way we did something good and right ! We are certainly proud of Rob !

Rob Pemberton: Dad - Here are a couple of shots from the Morningstar Awards evening where the team was presented with Canadian Fixed Income Fund of the Year. - Rob
Robert Pemberton CFA
Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income
TD Asset Management
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Verna's fabulous Photo Ops - She had an invite to last year’s Oscar in LA
Verna: Gosh I sure felt short when standing with John Salley (NBA Alumni, TV host) ... he's 7' tall!
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Verna: Anne Heche (Actress, Men in Trees, Hung) ...just got to the Gifting Lounge in Royal York after a long day in one of the cars ... She had to get ready for another Gala party that night. Her husband James Tupper was also a super friendly guy. Anne spent some time with us and before left she gave us a few gifts to take home. She's having a bad hair day here.
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Verna: Me with Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk, Celebrity Apprentice) ... I met him at the 0scars last Feb. when in LA ...
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Verna: Leo Stakos TV Host, Fish TV (My friend caught & I netted a larger large mouth bass than this guy has ever caught. He caught one in Mexico 11 lbs. but ours was 11 1/2 pounds!
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Verna: LYRIQ BENT (Actor, Rookie Blue and Home Again) ... Think he liked getting his pic taken with an 'older woman' as he hugged me again the next day at the Celebrity Gift Lounge. Said "I remember hugging you last night." He was a really nice friendly guy.
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Hi Carl, My daughter was invited to attend these events and was able to persuade the owners of WOW CREATIONS in LA to add my name to the list of guests for the Friday night party. We had a ball mingling with all the celebrities that were there. 0ne couple raised over $600,000. so of course they chose Kurt Russell to drive in their car for the Rally on the Sat. Most of the celebs we met were really nice and down to earth. Billy Baldwin was only one we didn't care for. He wasn't very friendly.

We arrived at same time as Kurt Russell so followed him down the Red Carpet!

All in all the weekend raised over 3 million $'s for Sick Kids. We stayed at the Royal York as the Celebrity Gifting Lounge was set up there for the end of the Rally on Sat. The party was held on the Exhibition Grounds ..... all the booze and food imaginable was served FREE! Too bad I don't drink LOL ... Will send you a few pics so you can see what a great time we had.

I did meet the guys from Wow Creations last Feb. when I flew out to meet our daughter & oldest son in LA for 0scar Week so they knew who I was. 0ur daughter told them that I'd just celebrated my 75th BD on Sept. 12th and she would love to be able to take me to the party in Toronto. I was just going to spend the evening sitting in the lobby of the Royal York watching people but thrilled when heard that I was going to the party with her.

Take care! Verna

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12C Reunion - May 5, 2012 - 57 Years! 12EHCI 2012 007 - 12C Reunion May 5 2012
The location of this photo was the Holiday Inn on College St. in Toronto on Saturday, May 5th, 2012.
Pictured L-R, Back Row: Liz (O'Malley) Potash; Elinor (Barley) Brown; Lorna (Monkman) Fenn; Marion (McCabe) North; Shirley (McDowell) Doan. Front Row: Ilene (Kunkel) Crossan; Violet (McDougall) Anderson; Marg (Puccini) Tsafaroff ....with the EHCI logo; Natalie (Ievenicks) Tannis.

From Bill Dunsmoor, May-20-11
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Myers, VRCI grad, 1942.
At Old Mill, Sunday, May 15, 2011
with Dorothy-Mae Paterson (nee Dunsmoor).
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Carl Dell'Agnese, the Ink Pot Trophy and Jack Foote
Carl and Jack

Mr. (Jack) Foote     In the '50s as our teacher                   and     NOW (2011)

Fred Greig turned 75 this past summer (2011) - His Surprise 75th Birthday
Fred Grieg's Birthday banner Fred Grieg War Service
Surprise! Fred just realizing the party was for him!

Tom McQuillan Annual BBQ 2011
Dave Amer, Carl Dell'Agnes, Tom McQuillan, Vic Bailey, Peter Salmond
Peter Salmond, Vic Bailey, Tom McQuillan,

Barbara "Carruthers" Brown and Sheila "Maluske" Galonska (sp?)
on board the HAL Volendam, July 2010 , Past Master Chefs Dinner
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From: Jack Rogers (Jan 2011): Thought You might enjoy a shot I took with my blackberry this morning of the communications tower at the top of the peak chair at Whistler.
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December 2009 Russ Strathdee with Great Grandson TC (Thomas Christopher)
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2009 Xmas lunch:
Dave Crombie, Don Cairns, Peter Salmond, Dave Amer, Vic Bailey, Fred Gotzmann
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2009 Dave Amer gardening with grandson Henry
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2009 12C Reunion - 54 Years! (Thanks to Sandra Beatty - click to enlarge)
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left to right: Ilene (Kunkel) Crossan, Gladys (Hanson) Broomfield, Sandee (Overton) Beatty,
Marg (Puccini) Tsafaroff, Violet (McDougall)Anderson, Marion (McCabe) North,
Elizabeth (O'Malley) Potash, Elinor (Barley) Brown

Click to enlarge
back row: Liz (O"Malley) Potash, Gladys (Hanson) Broomfield, Sandee (Overton) Beatty,
Violet (McDougall) Anderson, Elinor (Barley) Brown
front: Marion (McCabe) North, Marg (Puccini) Tsafaroff, Lorna (Monkman) Fenn, Ilene (Kunkel) Crossan

Class of 12C in 2005 (Thanks to Don Brown - click to enlarge)
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Don Brown:
Here is the Class of 12C on the 50th Anniversary of their graduation (1955 - 2005.) This collage was composed for the occasion of their recent reunion, held Sept.30 - Oct.2, 2009 in Bala.
Pictured from L - R, Back Row: Liz(O'Malley)Potash, Gladys(Hanson)Broomfield, Natalie (Ievenieks)Tannis, Amelia(Rossi)Hillock, Shirley(McDowell)Doan, Paula(Montgomery)Greenwood;
Middle Row: Violet(McDougall)Anderson, Lorna(Monkman)Fenn, Marg (Puccini)Tsafaroff, Ilene(Kunkel)Crossan, Marion(McCabe) North, Sandy(Overton)Beatty;
Bottom: Elinor(Barley)Brown, Nick Purdue (Teacher).

Banff Reunion (Thanks to Bud Bannerman - click to enlarge)
Click to enlarge

Bud Bannerman:
Carl, since you told me several years ago that Bob Hancock lives in Banff, we have enjoyed meeting several times a year for golf, which in this area means playing on very scenic courses. On July 20, Bob hosted golf at Banff Springs, an absolute jewel complete with the Spray River, the Rocky Mountains and the odd elk.

Click to enlarge
Bud Bannerman:
The photo of Bob & Lynne Hancock and me was taken on the 14th hole at Banff Springs, with the hotel in the background. We enjoy reminiscing about old classmates at the Haig. That was a very pleasant time in our lives. -Best wishes to all.

2009 Willowdale Girls Reunion (Thanks to Mary Harris - click to enlarge)
Click to enlarge
Mary Harris:
taken yesterday (June-25-09) at my home - the yearly get together of the Willowdale 'girls'
Sheila Maluski, Lorraine Smith (Kleinstuber) Penny German (Long) Marie Jones, Lorraine Halstead (Wood) Elaine Higgins (Reynolds) Ann Gibson (Parsons)

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Mary Harris:
same as above but with Mary Dowson (Harris) at the end

2005 Grade 12C Anniversary (Thanks to Elinor 'Barley' Brown - click to enlarge)
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Fred and Verna basking in the Florida sun at Winter
            (Lake Josephine, Sebring, FL)
07fredverna (49K)

Jacquie Eaton's family (click to enlarge)
Jacquie Eaton's family

Mrs.Hiscox (Paul, Howie & Dianne's mom) on her 92nd birthday Oct.20/06!
- was a secretary in the EHCI offices for many years.
Mrs.Hiscox on her 92nd birthday

Mrs. Hiscox surrounded by family (Paul, Dianne, Peter, Howie + Dianne's dog Jackson)
Mrs.Hiscox on her 92nd birthday with her family

CHEERS! "We came by it honestly." Thanks to Dianne for sharing these pictures with us.

From: bud.bannerman@shaw.ca
To: Carl Dell'Agnese
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:16 PM
Subject: Earl Haig Alumnae - Western Division

Carl, you told me several months ago that my classmate Bob Hancock was living in Banff, one hour from my home in Calgary. On November 2, Bob and I conducted our own Fabulous Fifties Reunion at the Cafe de Soleil in Banff. We were able to introduce our wives, who tolerated our stories. It was very pleasant to be together again, as we were in several Delphian class photos in 1950 and 1951. Bob and Lynne led us to their house in Banff, near Banff Falls, where we continued our discussions. A great day!

The photo shows - left to right - Bud and Winnie Bannerman, Lynne and Bob Hancock.
budbob.jpg (70K)

Click on number to see picture

01 Al Connolly:   from his recent trip to Newfoundland - Taken from his hotel room window

02 Al Connolly:   beautiful shoreline rock formation, Newfoundland

03 Mary "Dowson" Harris:   September in Wales - Ray and Mary at Snowdon Mountain

04 Mary "Dowson" Harris:   Snowdonia Park, Wales

05 Mrs. Hiscox (Howie and Dianne's mom) on her 90th birthday

06 Paul, Peter, Howard and Dianne with Mum on her 90th.

07 Left to right Joyce "Burbidge" McClinton, Anita "Maki" Walmsley, Lola "Collins" Grierson
** both Anita and Lola were cheeleaders in 1952-3 - check the picture in the 1952-3 Delphian
      and see that they are as pretty now as then.

08   2000 12C REUNION IN OTTAWA Gr12Ottawa.jpg (61K)

camera.gif (3K) Vintage Pics from our people

                      Click here for >> Ed Carter collection <<

1958 Prom at Casa Loma - Barbara Carmichael & Russ Strathdee
1958 Barb Russ Prom

Doug Walmsley with Mr. Cringan's Pogo Cello
- Toronto Telegram April 27, 1953
(Looks like Pogo Cello players get all the chicks)
DougPogo (122K)

1957 - Gilbert & Sullivan
- Pirates of Penzance
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1956 Field Day
- Barb Martin, Sue Thompson., Sue Harding.
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1956 Field Day
- Betty, Sylvia, Barb, Sue T., Mr.Taylor
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- Barb Carruthers, ... , Pat Hutchinson
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- Mike Graham, Bill Dauphinee, ... , ...
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- Race
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- Race 2
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- Track & Field
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- Ted Newell
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- Bill Dauphinee
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- Paul Cotter, Roy Kunkell
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Willow Bowling Baseball
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Student Council
Election Parade Band:
Grant Corkhill, Dave Clark, Don Logan, Bruce Clark, Bob Cooper, Bruce Manning
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Student Council Election Parade
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ELECT Bruce Clarke
for Friday Nite Club
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Mary Dowson married Ray Harris Click to zoom in
Mary: Hi Carl - thought I'd share these old pictures with you - I'm the little girl with Santa and my two brothers - one you know - John Click to zoom in
Mary: The baton thing was a brain child of Bob Cringan. Didn't last long - only that one year I think. [1955] Click to zoom in
Cheerleaders: Mary Dowson (upper left), Barb Massey, etc. Click to zoom in

Verna and Fred at Mart Kenny's Ranch
Hi Carl, I was looking thru some old pics trying to find some of a dear friend of mine who will be leaving us soon & came across this pic. Wow, how time changes the way we look! V Click to zoom in

Carl Dell'Agnese, Roy Jones
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1948 - Duke Of Kent Public School - Grade 7 - from Doug Walmsley
(Notice Doug and Dave Crombie left end of 3rd row)
Doug Walmsley & Dave Crombie

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Pat Hutchinson's Calypso Party, May 11/57 - please help us identify names...
Click to enlarge Andrea Brown and Bill Bell
Click to enlarge Joan Trimbee, Bob Craig, Ed Anderson, Sharon Hay
Click to enlarge Larry Long, Andrea Johnson, Sandy Stewart
Click to enlarge John Wood, Sandy Stewart
Click to enlarge Pete Skarratt, Barb Carruthers, "De", Virginia Lomax
Click to enlarge Ross Mountsteven, Joan, Barb Carruthers, "De" Gillier

Myra Milley, Verna Risebrough & Sylvia Grant

From Eleanor Godber's archives - please help us identify names...
Click to enlarge
Back row: ...
2nd row: ... Doug Gilpen, ? Doug Trevor-Wilson? ... Maureen Gilpen ...
Front: Miss McLeod, Mr.Jackson, ...

From Gary Copeland's collection...

Gary with his high school sweetheart
Judy Muir & Gary going to the 1958 Earl Haig Formal. Gary: "...I think at Casa Loma. I really only had one steady girlfriend in high school and she was it. We went around for over a year, which in high school years is an eternity, but alas I do not know where she is today".
Judy Muir & ???
From the 58 Formal, I know some of them, like Bill Robinson and Freddy Ticknor, but not everyone. - Gary
The next 3 pictures where taken in 59 at the Willowdale Y Club in Hockley Valley.

The two people on the Couch are Jack Beechey and Betty Trott.


The guy with his mouth open is Jim Ives and his now and always wife Marilyn.

Business announcement Toronto Star April/68. - Gary

Marilyn Creagh & Jim Ives - 1963     Marilyn & Jim May 31, 2009

From Don Brown's collection...

1953 or 1954 - Elinor Barley & Friends
L - R (Back Row) Liz O'Malley, Violet McDougall, Elinor Barley;

L - R (Front Row) Sandy Overton, Marion McCabe.

Don's '51 Dodge- sweet!

But look - what's that
Don's holding??

Three Amigos at "The Ex"
at the CNE, just inside the Dufferin Gates
Wes Kerton
Fred Cherney
Don Brown

From Ed Carter's collection...

POLECATS - Spring Concert - 1955    

L-R: Don Steele, Craig Railton, Ed Carter, Don Clarke , Doug Walmsley, Neil Thompson

(Don Brown helped identify Don Steele and Doug Walmsley identifed Ed Carter and Don Clarke)
Doug Walmsley says (Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:10 PM):
" ... and the song was

'I'm A Lonesome Polecat, lonesome sad and blue,
cause I ain't got no everlasting loving, and that's why I'm so sad and blue' .

How's that for a memory? I think it's from a musical?"

From Verna "Risebrough" Greig's collection...
The old Willow Theatre on East side of Yonge Street

Click on this photo to see a snazzier (remodelled?) picture, courtesy of Verna "Risebrough" Greig

willowShow.jpeg (1K)

Carol, Bob Pearson & Verna (our 25th) (85K)
Carol "Risebrough" Scott, Bob Pearson & Verna "Risebrough" Greig
- taken at Verna's 25th anniv

VernaElainePearl (32K)
            Verna Risebrough       Elaine Brooks       Pearl "Roberts" Vaughan

From Liz McKay's collection...

Click to enlarge
eh46-1 (12K)
1946 - Pop McKay , 2nd from left , 3rd row up
(Started teaching at EHCI in 1933 & passed away 1957)

eh46-2 (7K)
Earl Haig Collegiate as it was in 1946

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Roy Jones, Dave Crombie, Mr. (Joe) Kane, Peter O'Hearn, Peter Salmond
Photo submitted by Joanne "Rudd"

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Mary Dowson practising her baton at home
Photo submitted by John Dowson, touched up by Bruce Manning

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1953 Joanne "Davis" & Walt Lewis

    Peter Salmond's snaps of 50th Anniversary Parade in 1978


Carl Dell'Agnese with ballons along the street parade

Chuck Hardy, Barb Wyton, Florence Salmond in cafeteria

Dave Crombie dancing with Marlene Jones in gym

Chuck Hardy, Carl Dell'Agnese, Peter Salmond, Roy Jones

A t-shirt worn by some of our wives, who didn't go to EHCI. It was in jest, in response to our involvement and excitment with our 50th Anniversary re-union

Dick Baker, Carl Dell'Agnese, Marion Dell'Agnese - Al Connolly & friend in costume, Florence Salmond

Roy Jones and Barb Wyton dancing

Chuck Hardy, Carl Dell'Agnese, Bev Paterson

Chuck Hardy, Carl Dell'Agnese, Peter Salmond

Dick Baker, Carl and friends

The Ed Carter Mr. Toye and Mr. Moss Collection... Click this graphic to see Ed's slide show
Click to see Ed's show
                                  Mary "Dowson" School Days >>

"A couple of teachers spoofing at a football game - Mr. Toye and Mr. Moss" toyemoss.jpg (36K)
Click on number to see picture
01 A Note About These Photos - by Ed Carter
02 PARTY TIME - 1954 - in no meaningful order: Roy Kunkel, Tim Malcom, Bill Patterson, Bruce Klein, Bruce Clarke, Phyllis Whiltshire, Ruth Bronson, Marsha Hawke
03 Cheerleader - 1954
04 Floor Hockey - 1954 - John "Apples" Mackay
05 Delphian Dance - 1954 - Carl Dell'Agnese on left, Pat O'Neil is at right;
who else do you recognize?
06 Football Game - 1954
07 c1954 Basketball - Carl Dell'Agnese shooting, Ted Clements on right
08 Leslie St. North of Sheppard - 1954
09 Old Mill - 1954 - N.E. Corner of Steeles & Bayview
10 1954 - N.E. Corner of Leslie & Sheppard
11 POLECATS - Spring Concert - 1955 Left to right: Don Steele, Craig Railton, Ed Carter, Dave/Don Clarke , Doug Walmsley, Neil Thompson (Thanks to Don Brown for helping us recall Don Steele's name in this one)
12 Cast of HMS Pinnafore ( ? pg.2 of B&W Feb.26/54 ?)
13 Cast of HMS Pinnafore 1954 from Blue & White
14 HMS PINNAFORE - 1954 Some of cast on ship's main deck
15 A character from HMS Pinnafore ( ? The Commander - Charles Tiecher ? )
16 1954 Doug Walmsley and Marsha Stott - HMS Pinnafore
17 A character from HMS Pinnafore ( ? Little Buttercup - Liz Shea ? )
18 Dave McKay from HMS Pinnafore
19 HMS Pinnafore - 1954 - Three girls of the cast
20 Heather MacDonald, Ruth Bronson, ??? , Marsha Stott
21 Pinnafore Makeup Crew - 1954
22 1954 field trip to Ottawa "Doug Walmsley's harem" - The girls from left to right were:
      Barb "Fletcher", Anne "Inch", Jane "Gray", Donna "Bond", Marion "Walmsley"

23 (below) 1954 field trip to Ottawa - The Laurier Poker Game - Guys from left to right:
(standing) John Carter, Ed Carter, Peter Paterson (dragging hard on his smoke),
(seated) George Morowski, Doug Walmsley (drinking, smoking and probably cheating), John Young
eh54poker.jpg (54K)
Thanks to Don Brown for helping us with the name, George Morowski.

Mary "Dowson" School Days                                                 Other People's Vintage Pictures >>


Me dancing with Rick Walker. I STILL HAVE THAT SKIRT. It doesn't fit, but I have it. And the song we are dancing to was 'The Great Pretender'. That's Shiela Malusky dancing with Rod Ranta."
Mary's school days pic#4
(Thanks to Bruce Manning for major photo restoration on this one!)
02 "Fellow with the dog is John Heritage -/55."
03   Frances Jousey
03   Party scene is Tim Crooks, with Sue Harding Lorriane Smith with Paul Hodginson, Sandy Stewart with Doug Gilpin
03   "Party at my house on Parkview Ave. A little tiny house of 800 sq ft. The living room was only about 10 x 12, great fun we had that night though...M names in the pic Frances Jousey, Bob Mathews, John Heritage, Bill Bell, Bette Lou Robinson Sue Hardin, Barb Martin, Doug Gilpin, Sandy Stewart, Shirley German and a few others you wouldn't know. They went to UTS..."

Other People's Vintage Pictures

Circa 1956
Jackie Chapman, 2nd from right in front row, now married to Bill Bell
ehci  Jackie Chapman.jpg (16K)

Circa 1961
Barbara "Carmichael" Lehto

The background scene is Pirri's Dixieland Fruit Market on the East side of Yonge St.

Since Willowdale's tranformation into Mel Lastman's big city, nearly all the old familiar places are gone... except for this place (as of 2004)
barbperis.jpg (55K)

Circa 1955 The Dixieland Jazz Band - Left to right:
Alan Cooper (clarinet), Wes Kerton (trumpet), Bob Craig (tenor sax), Don Logan (string bass), Don Brown (tuba), Rick Lewis (drums), Don Clark (trombone), Bruce Manning (banjo), Russ Strathdee (alto sax)
Photo touch ups courtesy of Bruce Manning (Jan.12,2008) Thanks, Moose!
Click on number to see picture
01 '54 Newspaper pic: 13-A bowling team: Laurie Clements, John MacKay, Doug Trevor-Wilson, Bob Hancock, Maureen Gilpin, Beverley Ives
02 '54 Newspaper pic: Doug Walmsley with Pogo Cello
03 '55 Newspaper pic: Chuck Hardy being bussed by cheerleaders Sally Edgar (left) & Bev Patterson
04 c1956 Girls team - do you know who's in this one?
05 c1956 Sr. boys basketball - Al Connolly, Bill Patterson, Carl Dell'Agnese, Brian Carrier, Rod Ranta
06 Al Connolly doing a "slam-dunk"
07 Buddies: Al Connolly, Carl Dell'Agnes
08 Doug Trevor-Wilson, Barry Redfern, Bob Hancock
09 Ruth Crombie dancing with Mr.Jackson
10 Bill Patterson doing a high altitude basketball shot with everyone looking on in amazement. What a great picture!
11 Sanderson picture - who do you recognize in this one?
12 The Dixieland Jazz band - Russ on right
13 A group picture - who are these people??
14 Another group shot - anyone you know?
15 c1955 Al Connolly - President
16 Al Connolly doing a 2 handed -layup in a game against Etobicoke
17 c1955 boys basketball
18 c1955 girls athletic team
19 c1956 Sax at the Haig: ..., Bob Craig, Russ Strathdee, Jim Hanna, Joan Trimbee
      (Bob Craig and Joan "Trimbee" Craig would carry on making life's music together)
20 1952 Coronation Ball Queen: (left to right) Dawn Parker , Joanne Davis, Joan Hartfree
21 1953-54 Goldaliers



Pictures from the 75th Gala Re-Union Oct.3-4, 2003

Our 50s Decade Room ~ pictures from Bev "Patterson" Wood

Click on number to see picture
01 Beverley "Paterson" Wood, Dianne "Hiscox" Klein, Ed Gray
02 Shirly "Marshall" Dunstan, Ruth "Crombie" Thompson, Dave Crombie, Shirley "Bowden" Crombie
03 William & June Withrow
04 Shirley "Marshall", Cindy "McVeity", Ed Gray, Joanne " Brett", Bev "Paterson"
05 Jim Smythe, Bob Hancock, Paul Hodgkinson
06 Sue "Harding" Evans-Boxell, Marlene Baker, ???, Judy "Anderson" Bennet
07 Betty M, John W, Dave C, Denise W
08 Art Van Seters, Diane "Grimshaw" Stevens, Bob Hancock
09 Bill & Sue Dunsmoore with our Ink Pot Trophy
10 Carl, Jack, Nick, Ed
11 Stan, Carolyn, Carl
12 Bruce, Lorraine, Mrs.Hiscox, Diane
13 Beverley & Peter Paterson - sister & brother
14 Cindy"McVeity",Beverley"Paterson", Ted McGuirl
15 Joanne "Davis" Greenlaw

The Wine & Cheese party ~ pictures from Bob Craig

Click on number to see picture
01 John Wood, Joan "Trimbee" Craig, Sue "Harding"Evans, Susan "Thomson" Dunsmoor, Dave Rainey
02 Joan "Trimbee" Craig, Elinor "Barley" Brown, Don Brown
03 Teachers: Nick Purdue, Marsh Morris, Jack Foote
04 ???, Jan "Furminger" Mooney, Shirley "Marshall" Dunstan, Maureen "Gilpin" McMaster
    To our great hosts... Bill and Susan Dunsmoor
        It was a wonderfull evening, enjoyed by all. Thanks for your generosity!



Pictures from the EARL HAIG Re-Union Dinner on May 9,2003
(This should be a contest. Can you name the "???" person? If so, tell us via the Contact page. Thanx... the Webmaster.)

Click on number to see picture
01 Warren Claxton - Tom McQuillan
02 Danny Antonacci - Johnny Dowson
03 Paul Hodgkinson - ???
04 Don Brown - Cathy(Old Scott House) - ???
05 Stan Weisman - June "McAuley" Gray
06 Denise Wood, Barbara "McIrvine" Thatcher, Liz "O'Malley" Potash
07 Dale Fulton - John Dowson
08 Paul Hodgkinson - Denise Wood - Ed Gray, Ruth "Crombie" Thompson, Maureen "Gilpin" McMaster - ??
09 Ann "Inch" Lewis, Carl D. - ???- ???
10 Elinor "Barley" Brown - ??? - ???
11 Liz "O'Malley" Potash, Barbara "McIrvine" Thatcher
12 Roy Jones - Carolyn "Connolly" Macdonald
13 June "McAuley" Gray - Fred Gotzman
14 Al Connolly
15 Al Connolly
16 Doug Walmsley, Russ Strathdee, Danny Antonacci



Pictures from the EARL HAIG Re-Union Dinner on MAY 7, 2002

From: Carl Dell'Agnese
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 12:30 PM
Subject: Pictures 2002 EHCI
Finally, the pictures from last year's re-union dinner are ready be viewed... Just click on the number for each picture. The names of those in each picture are listed below. ...

If you have never attended our dinners before, you can see why we need name tags.
Click on number to see picture
01 Agnes “Parsons” Minardi, Jerry Parsons
02 Peter Salmond, Don Cairns, Gord. Carter
03 Vic Bailey, Carl Dell’Agnese
04 Doreen “Taberner” Ryan, Carl Dell’Agnese
05 Carl Dell’Agnese, Rod Ranta
06 George Colson, Doreen McClymont-Eaton
08 Shirley “Harris” Deasley, Doreen McClymon-Eaton, Mary “Dowson” Harris
09 Lorna “Monkman” Fenn
10 Ilene Crossan, Ruth Thompson, Donna McCraw, Nancy Lewis, Loretta Hopkins
11 Carl Dell’Agnese, Anita “Maki” Walmsley, Bill Bell
12 Carl Dell’Agnese, Bill Bell
13 Dave Crombie, Norris Weisman
14 Dave & Shirley “Bowden” Crombie, Bill McLean, Russ Strathdee
15 Dave & Shirley “Bowden” Crombie, Carl Dell’Agnese
16 Doug. Massey, Mary “Dowson” Harris, Shirley “Harris” Deasley, Bill Bell
17 Sheila "Maluske" Galonski, Lorraine "Halsted" Wood, Lorraine Kleintuber, Agnes "parsons" Minardi
18 Janet “Dryburgh” Baker, Bob Pearson, Jerry Parsons
19 Danny Antonacci, Dale Fulton, Jack Worry
20 Beverley “Paterson” Wood, Dave Rainey
21 Don Brown, Van Campbell
22 Ilene “Kunkel” Crossan, Elinor “Barley” Brown
23 George Colson, Bill Dunsmoor, Marsh Morris, Nick Purdue
24 Sue “Thomson” Dunsmoor, Andrea “Brown” Journeaux, Donna McCraw
25 Denise Wood, Lorraine “Halsted” Wood
26 Paul Hodgkinson, Ruth "Crombie"Thompson, Al. Connolly, Nancy “Armstrong” Lewis
27 Chuck & Judy “Crawford” Nash
28 Danny Antonacci, Charlie Fick, Jim Smythe
29 Dianne “Hiscox” Klein, Mary “Dowson” Harris
30 Sandy “Daniels” Fisher, Joanne “Rudd” Bosomworth
31 Loretta “Kemp” Hopkins, Peter Hallam, Pat “Sackfield” Hallam
32 Vic Bailey
33 Carl Dell’Agnese, Joanne “Brett” McCullough, Allan Connolly
34 Danny Antonacci, Shirley “Harris” Deasley, Mary “Dowson” Harris, Dale Fulton
35 George : Owner / Chef of OLD SCOTT HOUSE
36 George Colson, Jerry Parsons, Bob Pearson, John Wood, Howie Hiscox
37 Long Shot- picture boards
38 Long Shot – dining room tables
39 Long Shot – dining room tables
40 Judy “Crawford” Nash
41 Long Shot – dining room tables
42 Long Shot – picture boards
43 Marsh Morris, Jack Foote
44 Ilene “Kunkel” Crossan, Carl Dell’Agnese
45 Individual tables – for dinner
46 Individual tables – for dinner
47 Individual tables – for dinner
48 Individual tables – for dinner
49 Individual tables – for dinner
50 Individual tables – for dinner
51 Individual tables – for dinner
52 Individual tables – for dinner
53 Individual tables – for dinner
54 Individual tables – for dinner
55 Individual tables – for dinner
56 Individual tables – for dinner
58 Individual tables – for dinner
59 Carl Dell’Agnese, Bruce Kleinstuber
60 Long Shot
62 Sheila “Maluske” Galonska
63 Dianne “Hiscox” Klein
64 Charlie Fick, Jim Smythe
65 Beverley“Paterson” Wood, Dave Rainey
66 June “McAuley” Gray, Fred. Gotzmann
67 Dave Crombie
68 Chuck Hardy, Rod Ranta
69 Weldon Riddolls, Nick Purdue
70 Marsh Morris, Jack Foote
71 Carolyn “Connolly” Macdonald, Peter Salmond
72 Mike Graham, Joan “Bales” Jarvis
73 Peter McConnell, Barb “Murray” Graham
74 Ilene “Kunkel” Crossan, Joanne “Rudd” Bosomworth
75 Cindy “McVeity” Onstad, Norris Welsman
76 Bill & Jackie “Chapman” Bell
77 Bob Jarvis, Ron Bales
78 Al Connolly
79 Sandy “Daniels” Fisher, Elaine “Hogeboom” Albrektsen
80 Sandy “Daniels”Fisher, Elaine “Hogeboom” Albrektsen, Dale Fulton
81 Judy “Jowsey” Dyment, Pat “Sackfield” Hallan, Andrea “Brown” Journeaux
82 Peter Journeaux, Bill Dunsmoor, Barb. “Carruthers” Brown
83 Barb “Carruthers” Brown, Peter Hallam
84 Donna “Cruckshank” McCraw, Jack Worry
85 Anita “Maki” Walmsley, Cinna “Roma” Sauro
86 Pat “Sackfield” Hallam, Andrea “Brown” Journeaux
87 Don Cairns, Shirley “Bowden” Crombie
88 Gord Carter, Joanne “Brett” McCullough
89 Cindy “McVeity” Onstad
90 Cindy “McVeity”Onstad, Norris Weisman
91 Anita “Maki” Walmsley, Carl Dell’Agnese, Cinna “Roma” Sauro
92 John & Gael Heritage
93 Stan Weisman
94 Sandy “Daniels” Fisher, Elaine “Hogeboom” Albrektsen
95 Ron Bales, Bill Bell
96 Stan Weisman, Lorna “Monkman” Fenn, Dave Crombie, Ruth “Crombie” Thompson
97 Carl Dell’Agnese, Mary “Dowson” Harris, Dick Purves, Van Campbell
98 Doreen McClymont-Eaton
99 Doreen McClymont-Eaton, Carl Dell’Agnese
100 Carl : Gift of Appreciation: House Name Plate
101 Carl : EHCI CREST : gift from Joanne Brett McCullough, with borrowed tuke.
102 Carl Dell’Agnese, Doreen McClymont-Eaton
103 Carl Dell’Agnese - ThankYou Speech
104 Long Shots
105 Weldon Riddolls : EHCI Alumni Organizer
106 Bob Pearson
107 Gathering of Cheerleaders
109 Sandy “Daniels” Fisher, Anita “Maki” Walmsley, Judy “Jowsey” Dyment Denise Wood, Beverley “Paterson” Wood, Agnes “Parsons”Minardi
110 Cheerleaders with Trophy
111 Cheerleaders with Trophy
112 Cheerleaders with Trophy
113 Teachers : Nick Purdue, Marsh Morris, Charlie Fick, Jim Smythe, Jack Foote
114 Teachers : Nick Purdue, Marsh Morris, Charlie Fick, Jim Smythe, Jack Foote
115 Teachers : Nick Purdue, Marsh Morris, Charlie Fick, Jim Smythe, Jack Foote
116 Table Shot
117 Dave Crombie, Cindy “McVeity” Onstad
118 Eaton’s & Simpson’s Reps. - Dave Crombie, Al Connolly, Joanne “Rudd” Bosomworth, Howie Hiscox, Nancy Lewis, Cindy“McVeity”Onstad, Ron Bales
119 Eaton’s & Simpson’s Reps. - Dave Crombie, Al Connolly, Joanne “Rudd” Bosomworth, Howie Hiscox, Nancy Lewis, Cindy“McVeity”Onstad, Ron Bales
120 Dave Crombie, Al Connolly, Joanne “Rudd” Bosomworth
121 Dave Crombie, Ron Bales
122 Mike Graham, Cindy “McVeity” Onstad, Dave Massey
123 Carl’s Gift : House Name Sign
124 Long Shot
125 Joanne “Rudd” Bosomworth, Carl Dell’Agnese
126 Bob Pearson, Carl Dell’Agnese
127 Warren Claxton, Shirley " Harris" Deasley
129 Dave Rainey, Beverley .”Paterson” Wood, Ed Gray
131 Mr.Fick and part of football team



Pictures from Re-Union Dinner 2001
01 Mr.Fick with part of the football team



Pictures from Re-Union Dinner Y2K
Click on number to see picture
01 Carl Dell'Agnese, Doug Walmsley, Dave Crombie
02 Doug Walmsley, Ruth "Crombie" Thompson, Tom McQuillan
03 Dianne & Howie Hiscox , John & Denise Wood - brothers & sisters
04 Teachers: Mr.Fick, Mr.Warrick, Mr.Tovell, Mr.Foote, Mr.Smythe ...Student: Bev "Paterson" Wood
05 Al Warick, Jack Tovell, Dave Rainey
06 Rod Ranta, Charlie Fick
07 Ian and Barbara Olliver



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